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The 2022 Annual Christmas Party Luncheon at Tugboat's 


Tuesday, November 8, 2022 was not only election day, but for the West Dennis Garden Club, time for their annual Apple Pie Sale. This year, the lucky voters whose precinct location was the Dennis Center for Active Living, were greeted with the aroma of warm apple cider, as well as more than 60 home-made apple pies. Coordinated by the very able Mary Fiset, the Club members baked all the pies, which were delivered fresh and sold for $15 each. As well as apple cider, home-baked cookies were offered to the lucky voters.


Some of those who purchased the pies have been doing so for many years and stopped by specifically to buy a pie…or two, or three. One gentleman bought six pies, then came back for one more! He apparently eats them for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. Now that is an apple pie lover!


Mary, along with Dolores Locke, stayed until the last pie was sold at around 10:30 a.m.. Diane Borowick, Anne Cave, Peggy Gillis, Debbie Oleksy and Anne Oliver took shifts assisting them. A total of $1,158 was raised, including sales of some Garden Club cookbooks and several much-appreciated donations.


All in all, it was a most successful fundraising event, and everyone who contributed, whether by baking pies, providing cider and cookies, or working at the sale itself, are due thanks.


Below are some photos as the sale was getting underway.

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On Monday and Tuesday, July 11 and 12, Mother Nature cooperated by providing perfect weather for the West Dennis Garden Club to show Anne Cave’s lovely gardens during the annual Cape-wide Hydrangea Festival. Anyone who wished to tour any of the gardens paid a $5 entrance fee and could visit the property at their leisure. Three groups of three members, as well as Anne, were on hand for two-hour intervals each day to greet visitors who came to admire the spectacular hydrangeas, as well as roses, lilies, and other flowers in full bloom in Anne’s yard. Posters of a watercolor painting from a previous show were available for sale, and Anne displayed a sample of a poster that she had framed as well. Many folks also commented on the hydrangeas sunken underwater in a clear glass bowl, as an unusual and creative way to display them.


Anne was a generous and friendly host, who greeted guests and modestly said she and her family “were only caretakers” of the lovely property whose back yard looks across the water to West Dennis Beach. She encouraged folks to climb to the second-floor deck or go to the end of the dock to enjoy the scenic views. The property must have been very popular, as this two-day event raised enough money for our annual scholarship. Many thanks to Anne, and to those members who helped make the West Dennis Garden club’s participation in this event possible.


Below are photographs of Anne Cave’s beautiful property which were taken by Dee Collins on July 11.

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